How to allow Linux networking into the internet on Hetzner cloud server while the routing table contains only IP


i am having virtual server from Hetzner and after installing the CentOS 6 linux, i do not know how to make the default installation available from the internet, how to setup the routing. The Hetzner says that the gateway IP should be ( – "The special private IP Address This IP address is being used as a default gateway of your servers public network interface. ")

At first following worked: /sbin/route add default gw eth0

but now one day later it says SDIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable.
Current routing table (route -n) contains only one rule: dev eth0 scope link metric 1002

Config file for the eth0 interface is:

Please can you tell me which commands should make the routing table be done properly? Or what is wrong in my eth0 interface config. file?

UPDATE: i was told i should use static configuration on CentOS 6, but i am having problem with the route-eth0 file as i am unable to create it:

cp /etc/host.conf /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0
perl -pi -e s/multi on/172\.31\.1\.1\/32 dev eth0\\ndefault via 172\.31\.1\.1 dev eth0/g /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0

The error is: Substitution pattern not terminated at -e line 1.

(i can not use echo or tee or vim because Hetzner console do not work with | " ' $ > characters and Ctrl key)

Best Answer

They told me i need to use static configuration and it worked (after restarting network / rebooting).

(Note that the IPs under that link are likely specific only to a Hetzner servers)

Adjusting the configuration files was very difficult via Hetzner console (which does not accept Ctrl key, | > $ " ' etc.).

These were the commands i had to run (will almost certainly work only on Hetzner + CentOS 6 and after replacing myvpspubliciphere. But can give idea for anyone using limitted web console like one from Hetzner):

perl -pi -e s/BOOTPROTO=dhcp/BOOTPROTO=static/g /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
perl -pi -e s/IPV6INIT=no/IPADDR=myvpspubliciphere/g /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
perl -pi -e s/ONBOOT=yes/ONBOOT=yes\\nNETMASK=\\nDNS1=\\nDNS2= /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
cp /etc/host.conf /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0
perl -pi -e s/multi\ on/\\/32\ dev\ eth0\\ndefault\ via\\ dev\ eth0/g /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0
service network restart

(the cp command was used to get a small file with just a two words which i can use for easily replacing its content by what i needed)