How to analyze Debug Diagnostic Tool v2.0 dumps on 2003 Server x86


Debug Diagnostic Tool v1.2 comes with a log analyzer (sometimes). I can't find the analyzer component in Debug Diagnostic 2.0 when installed on 2003 Server x86.

What's the recommended way to analyze the dump files without reverting to 1.2?

On x86 Win 2003 Server the Debug Diag 2.0 folder listing contains less files than the x64 version of the same application. Show below. Both machines have .NET 4 installed.

Win 2003 Svr x86 listing of Debug Diag 2.0

Directory of C:\Program Files\DebugDiag

2/03/2013  06:51 PM              .
2/03/2013  06:51 PM              ..
9/26/2013  11:36 AM         2,624,104 dbgeng.dll
9/26/2013  11:36 AM         1,129,576 dbghelp.dll
9/25/2013  11:19 AM           550,328 DbgHost.exe
9/25/2013  11:19 AM           331,192 DbgSvc.exe
9/26/2013  11:36 AM         3,337,666 DebugDiag.chm
9/25/2013  11:19 AM         2,864,056 DebugDiag.Collection.exe
9/25/2013  11:19 AM           158,136 LeakTrack.dll
2/03/2013  05:55 PM              Logs
9/26/2013  11:37 AM               331 Register.bat
2/03/2013  05:45 PM              Samples
2/03/2013  05:48 PM              Scripts
9/26/2013  11:36 AM           105,744 symsrv.dll
9/26/2013  11:36 AM                 1 symsrv.yes
9/26/2013  11:37 AM               365 Unregister.bat
             11 File(s)     11,101,499 bytes
              5 Dir(s)   6,770,343,936 bytes free

Win 7 Prof x64 listing of Debug Diag 2.0

C:\Program Files\DebugDiag>dir
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is 40A7-090C

 Directory of C:\Program Files\DebugDiag

03/12/2013  06:48 PM              .
03/12/2013  06:48 PM              ..
03/12/2013  06:42 PM              AnalysisRules
25/09/2013  10:31 AM            48,128 ClrMemDiagExt.dll
26/09/2013  11:36 AM         3,333,736 dbgeng.dll
26/09/2013  11:36 AM         1,403,496 dbghelp.dll
25/09/2013  11:16 AM           654,264 DbgHost.exe
25/09/2013  11:16 AM           614,328 DbgLib.dll
25/09/2013  11:16 AM           409,016 DbgSvc.exe
25/09/2013  11:16 AM           659,384 DebugDiag.Analysis.exe
25/09/2013  10:40 AM               227 DebugDiag.Analysis.exe.config
26/09/2013  11:36 AM         3,337,666 DebugDiag.chm
03/12/2013  06:48 PM           122,026 DebugDiag.chw
25/09/2013  11:16 AM         3,740,600 DebugDiag.Collection.exe
25/09/2013  11:19 AM           365,496 DebugDiag.DotNet.dll
25/09/2013  10:31 AM           237,394 DebugDiag.DotNet.xml
25/09/2013  11:16 AM           359,352 DebugDiag.RuleBuilder.exe
25/09/2013  11:19 AM            35,768 DebugDiag.WorkflowActivities.dll
03/12/2013  06:42 PM              Exts
25/09/2013  11:16 AM           209,848 LeakTrack.dll
25/09/2013  10:25 AM           502,272 Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.dll
25/09/2013  10:25 AM           105,984 Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll
25/09/2013  10:25 AM           542,720 Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll
26/09/2013  11:37 AM               720 Register.bat
09/06/2011  10:37 AM              Reports
03/12/2013  06:42 PM              Samples
03/12/2013  06:41 PM              Scripts
26/09/2013  11:36 AM           119,568 symsrv.dll
26/09/2013  11:36 AM                 1 symsrv.yes
26/09/2013  11:37 AM               771 Unregister.bat
03/12/2013  06:42 PM              x86Support
              23 File(s)     16,802,765 bytes
               8 Dir(s)  60,245,811,200 bytes free

The analyzer is in one but not the other.

Best Answer

From what I read, DebugDiag is not supported on Windows server 2003.
See: ... it's intended behavior. Analysis on Windows Server 2003 is not supported.

Context from the linked page -

Dani Avni 28 Oct 2013 6:52 AM # the analysis module is not available for install on windows 2003 server although i have .net 4 > installed there. is this the intended behavior or a bug?

Wade Mascia 29 Oct 2013 9:55 AM # @Dani - it's intended behavior. Analysis on Windows Server 2003 is not supported. As a workaround, > instead of using the .msi you can xcopy the DebugDiag directory from another machine and run > register.bat. Be sure the other machine is post-2003, and matches the bitness (32, 64) of your 2003 > machine.

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