How to attach, format and mount a volume on boot in ecs


I want my persistence (ebs) volume to be separate from my auto-scaling group launch configuration. So that it won't be accidentally auto deleted by terraform, or something. Also I may do something like /mnt/taskname so that I have a different persistence volume for each task that needs data.

Here's how I think it would work.

  1. install aws-cli for some reason it's missing (packages in cloud init), which happens late?
  2. use aws command to attach the volume
  3. format the volume using fs_setup in cloud init
  4. mount the partitions using mounts in cloud init

Problem is that this won't work though because 1 wouldn't happen until after 3 and 4 (I think), and I'm not really sure if 2 is the right way to go to attach the volume.

Maybe I shouldn't be using the ecs optimized image? seems like that would solve my issue, but then I'd have to figure out what to change the amazon (base?) image to have it otherwise configured like the ecs image? maybe there's another way to attach the volume than the aws command? maybe some other magic than what I'm considering entirely?

Best Answer

This is a partial answer as i'm still working through it, first, I'm using a plain Amazon Linux AMI, not the ECS optimized one (which is out of date...)

data "template_file" "AttachVolume" {
  template = "${file("cloudinit/")}"

  vars {
    volume = "${}"

data "template_cloudinit_config" "CloudInit" {
  part {
    filename     = "fs.cfg"
    content_type = "text/cloud-config"
    content      = "${file("cloudinit/fs.yml")}"
  part {
    filename = ""
    content_type = "text/cloud-boothook"
    content = "${data.template_file.AttachVolume.rendered}"

here's the most important part, the, which will attach the volume, then partition it and format it if necessary.

set -x
EC2_INSTANCE_ID="`curl --silent`"
aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id $EC2_VOLUME_ID --instance-id $EC2_INSTANCE_ID --device /dev/xvdh --region us-east-1
while [ ! -d /sys/block/xvdh ]; do sleep 1; done
if [ ! -d /sys/block/xvdh/xvdh1 ]; then
    echo -e "g\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw" | fdisk /dev/xvdh
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdh1

then we can use the standard cloud config to mount it

 - [ xvdh, '/srv/nexus', 'auto', 'defaults,noexec', '0', '0' ]
 - [ cloud-init-per, instance, chmod, chmod, 1777, /srv/nexus ] # make like temp, then docker can write whatever user directories in their
 - [ cloud-init-per, instance, docker, service, docker, start ] # start docker
 - [ cloud-init-per, instance, ecs, start, ecs ] # start ecs
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