How to ‘aws s3 sync’ two buckets, which are located in different accounts

amazon s3amazon-iamamazon-web-servicesaws-cli

I'm trying to use 'aws s3 sync' on the awscli between two accounts.

Account A, I own. Account B, Owned by a third party.

Account B has given a user:jon on account A permission to a bucket through a role:assumeDevOps assumption.

Jon assumes assumeDevOps to access bucket on Account B. But now I have to sync to a bucket back on account A.

I'm getting an access denied. Possibly because that role that Jon assumed has no permissions to the bucket back on my account.

How do I do this?

Is there documentation on this specific situation?

Best Answer

Basically, you need to create a policy to allow access to the S3 bucket on your side and a role and attach this policy to the role.

Then, a user in Account B needs to assume this role you created which allows access to your bucket.

I believe that this is the article that you are looking for (the more elaborated one):

And this is a more specific article:

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