How to block an email address in google apps


I'm using google apps for email, and my primary accound is also the catch-all email address.

Now, there are a number of email addresses that seem to attract a lot of spam – is there any way to exclude them, so that the sender gets an error?

The google spam filter picks up almost all of these, but I'm wondering if this is possible.

Best Answer

Catchalls in mail domains today are somewhat brave. In addition to all the mail coming in to fake addresses, you then have the spam harvesters who can't tell a message-id from an email address, etc, and all those mails can come in too.

Honestly, it's better to use:

  1. Aliases, set up in the accounts page, you can create lots of aliases
  2. Variant address forms. Gmail supports addresses, and also canonicalises away dots, so that == ==
  3. Addresses with a reasonable length left-hand-side. Much as it pains me, as a three-letter initial sort of person, there's a reason Google don't allow such short addresses in; they really do receive a lot more spam from just random dictionary probes.

If you try excluding some addresses by filtering them aside then you just end up with more and more complex filters, which are a pain to keep up-to-date and if you're not careful might catch too much.