How to build and configure a local CPAN module repo


I'm a sys admin administering three air gapped (zero internet access) supercomputers. On one of the supercomputers we need to run Bugzilla. I already built my own local yum repository, but now I need to get Bugzilla up and running, which requires a local CPAN. I built a local CPAN on my laptop following the instructions I found here:

And rsync'd the CPAN over to the supercomputer's home directory. When I went back into the Bugzill dir to run the installation, the can't find a local CPAN directory. How do I configure my supercomputer's perl to automatically know where its local CPAN lives so I can finish my Bugzilla task?

Best Answer

I figured it out. And I hope this helps anyone traveling the same dark path that I've been on. Apparently, when the config process seemingly asks for 5 different paths for sources, authors, etc for the new local CPAN...what it really means it to give it ONE path. Just one. Five times.

Like so: /root/CPAN/


/root/CPAN/ then /root/CPAN/sources/ then /root/CPAN/authors/

Nope, just the same root path to CPAN for all the paths the config process asks you for (this is for a fully rsync'd CPAN build).

Yay Perl.