How to calculate the year cost of an AWS reserved instance with partial upfront payment


I'm not understanding how the partial upfront work for ec2 reserved instances. I'm trying to calculate how much the instance will cost on one year.

If, for example, I add an m4.xlarge instance reserved for one year with partial upfront on AWS Calculator it returns the following information on the estimate tab:

Amazon EC2 Service (US-East): 702.02
– Compute: 54.02
– Reserved Instances (One Time Fee): 648.00

Total One-Time Payment: 648.00
Total Monthly Payment: 54.02

My doubt is if the monthly payment is included in the first month.

Should I calculate the cost of an entire year as 648 + 12 * 54.02?
Or the cost is 648 + 11 * 54.02?


Best Answer

Full year (x12). Amazon's cost-model doesn't pre-pay hourly costs like that. It's either up-front one-time, or hourly. No middle ground.