How to capture traffic with tcpdump and a sliding window or sort of “logrotate”


I want to capture some traffic with tcpdump for troubleshooting. The problem is, the error is not reproducible. To not fill up the hole disks with captures, I would like to capture the traffic with some sort of sliding window.

Let's say I write the capture to a file and when the file reaches a size of 1GB it will drop the oldest packets and write the new ones. This way I would only get the traffic for some hours but hopefully enough to have the right packets when the user calls.

I couldn't find an option for tcpdump. Has someone an idea how to solve this?

Best Answer

The -c option can help you with this:

   -c     Exit after receiving count packets.

So this would get you a circular traffic.dmp file:

while :
 tcpdump -i eth0 -c 50000 -C 1 -w traffic.dmp

If you dropped it in a for loop you could get a series of files:

for file in 1 2 3 4 5
 tcpdump -i eth0 -c 50000 -C 1 -w traffic${file}.dmp

. Just adjust the numbers after you figure out some number that is not to big for your disk to capture a few hours worth of packets.

-C also looks interesting:

   -C     Before writing a raw packet to a  savefile,  check  whether  the
          file  is  currently  larger than file_size and, if so, close the
          current savefile and open a new one.  Savefiles after the  first
          savefile  will  have the name specified with the -w flag, with a
          number after it, starting at 1 and continuing upward.  The units
          of  file_size  are  millions  of  bytes  (1,000,000  bytes,  not
          1,048,576 bytes).