How to change recipient on Postfix relay (smtp_generic_maps not working)


I have a Postfix mail gateway setup and would like to change the recipient address. I want all mail being relayed for to instead by relayed to I have Postfix configured using smtp_generic_maps (as below) however this only works for mail being generated on the Postfix server itself. Any mail being relayed through the Postfix server still goes to effectively ignoring smtp_generic_maps. What configuration should I look into to accomplish this?

# grep smtp_generic_maps
smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic

# postmap /etc/postfix/generic
# service postfix reload

# cat /etc/postfix/generic     

Best Answer

You shouldn't use smtp_generic_maps for this

The Postfix Address Rewriting Readme describes the correct use for smtp_generic_maps:

With the smtp_generic_maps parameter you can specify generic(5) lookup tables that replace local mail addresses by valid Internet addresses when mail leaves the machine via SMTP. The generic(5) mapping replaces envelope and header addresses, and is non-recursive. It does not happen when you send mail between addresses on the local machine.

You are trying to use it (instead of replacing local addresses like ceo@localdomain.local) for replacing an address with FQDN As is not configured in mydestination it is not considered as a local domain, thus not processed by generic(5) mapping.

However, you should not configure a domain of someone else as a local domain as it really should be handled by smtp(8) delivery agent instead. Doing so would prevent any user sending mail to any address. That kind of tampering would be technically incorrect and maybe even illegal.

Leading users towards company policy by check_recipient_access

If the problem is that someone is trying to email your CEO to a personal address and you would like to prevent that and force using company email instead, you could add a check_recipient_access restriction to your

 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
     check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/denied_recipients,

and then add a reject with a human readable reason into /etc/postfix/denied_recipients:  REJECT  The CEO must be contacted using official <> address.

(As I used hash: in my example, don't forget to postmap /etc/postfix/denied_recipients.)

Using transport(5) table for overriding Postfix built-in defaults

In order to make all be delivered to you can use transport_maps instead of smtp_generic_maps.


The optional transport(5) table specifies a mapping from email addresses to message delivery transports and next-hop destinations. Message delivery transports such as local or smtp are defined in the file, and next-hop destinations are typically hosts or domain names. The table is searched by the trivial-rewrite(8) daemon.

This mapping overrides the default transport:nexthop selection that is built into Postfix.

Add transport_maps to your /etc/postfix/

 transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

And then add to /etc/postfix/transport one line for altering the default transport:nexthop to       :
 *               :

The other lines just states that no modification is done for and the rest, falling back to the default transport:nexthop behaviour.