Lets Encrypt – How to Change Admin Email


The email address used as the admin email when we started using let's encrypt needs to be modified (a former employee used his personal email address as the admin email and he is no longer with the firm). What steps need to be taken to get that modified (we can get the former employee to confirm this). We need to remove his personal email address and replace it with a new email address. This will be used for key recovery actions. In either case, I would like the former employee's personal email address to be removed. What steps do I need to take to accomplish this (if my understanding of the process is incorrect, kindly point me to the right direction). Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Because Let's Encrypt is a certificate authority, I'm guessing you want to update the data (an email) within your certificate.

If the certificate was signed, there is no way to update it. A new certificate will need to be produced.