How to Change Current User’s Domain Password Without Being Domain Admin


I've seen plenty of documentation of how to reset a user's password by running

net user <username> * /domain

or locally

net user <username> <new_password>

But I am not domain admin for the current domain, so I am not allowed to change the password via net user <my_username> * /domain (Access is denied).

What I can do though, is to hit CTRL+ALT+DEL and click on "Change Password", where I have to re-enter my current password and give a new password:
enter image description here

Question: How can I script that? I want to change my password via command line. Possible?

Bonus information: I'm on a Windows XP SP3 machine.

Note: Company policy is to make the user change their password every two weeks. And you cannot use your last 24 passwords… Since I don't want to always remember a new password I just iterate through "password1"…"password24" manually and in the end I am back to my old password. It would be great to do this with a small batch instead of the manual way.

Best Answer

Try this, i dont know if this will work fot you. its VB script

Dim UserName
Dim UserDomain
UserDomain = InputBox("Enter the user's login domain name")
UserName = InputBox("Enter the user's login name")
Set User = GetObject("WinNT://"& UserDomain &"/"& UserName &"",user)

Dim NewPassword
NewPassword = InputBox("Enter new password")
Call User.SetPassword(NewPassword)

If err.number = 0 Then
        Wscript.Echo "The password change was successful."
        Wscript.Echo "The password change failed!"
End if

check this!domain logon

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