How to change the memory size of an ova appliance before deploying it on VCenter Server


In this Question george was asking if it is OK to lower the memory of VMware Virtual Appliance.

What I would like to know is how to modify memory size in the ova file before the deployment? because after the deployment in Vcenter Server if I lower the memory size the VM refuses to spawn requiring at Least 8GB of memory.

Best Answer

Without making some configuration changes, vCenter will require at least 8 GB of RAM to function properly because of some of the hard-coded values for Java and other dependencies.

For reference, this is a setup with 2 hosts and 22 VMs, using the Web client:

esxi-vcenter:~ # free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          8002       7872        130          0        380       3828
-/+ buffers/cache:       3663       4339
Swap:        15366          4      15362

Yes, some is cached, but usage does spike depending on activity, so I highly recommend leaving it at 8 GB.