exchange-2010 – How to Configure a ‘Catchall Account’ in Exchange 2010


I have an Exchange Server 2010, only on one machine with a total of 5 mail boxes.

I want to create a catchall email account. Any email to non existing user should go there. I've searched the internet and most of the options I found depend on having a separate server.

How can I do this on one server?

Best Answer

Sure this can be done. Use the Exchange 2007 catchall agent.

In order for this to work properly with Exchange 2010, you should download all of the agent files to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\agents\catchall

When installing the agent, issue this command instead of the one in the readme.txt

install-transportagent -Name "CatchAll Agent" -TransportAgentFactory:CatchAll.CatchAllFactory -AssemblyPath:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\agents\catchall\CatchAllAgent.dll"

Besides those little caveats, just follow the readme.

Here are my sources on this: