How to configure host-header resolution in Windows Server 2003 IIS


I had a Windows 2000 server running two web-sites:

Web-site: Newland

IP Address        TCP Port  Host Header Name
================  ========  ================
(all unassigned)  80

Web-site: Matchstick

IP Address        TCP Port  Host Header Name
================  ========  ================
(all unassigned)  80
(all unassigned)  80
(all unassigned)  80

And all was well. People requesting (or the other two variants) would get the Matchstick web-site. Requests for web-sites by any other name would go to the "default" Newland site.

This morning I changed the router to point to a new Windows Server 2003, rather than a Windows 2000 Server. The two sites on the Windows Server 2003 are configured as:

Web-site: Newland

IP Address        TCP Port  Host Header Name
================  ========  ================
Default           80

Web-site: Matchstick

IP Address        TCP Port  Host Header Name
================  ========  ================
Default           80
Default           80
Default           80

And all is not right; anyone requesting:


get the default Newland site, rather than the Matchstick site.

Note: You'll notice that Windows 2000 Server shows "(All unassigned)" as the IP address. Windows Server 2003 shows the word "Default" as the IP address – even though you selected "(All unassigned)"

Windows Server 2003:

enter image description here

Windows 2000 Server:

enter image description here

I presume the bug has something to do with this; since this is the only difference.

How do you configure host-header name resolution on Windows Server 2003 – with fallback to a default site.

Found the problem:

Web-site: Newland

Home Directory: D:\WebSites\Newland

Web-site: Matchstick

Home Directory: D:\WebSites\Newland D:\WebSites\Matchstick

Best Answer

Found the problem:

Web-site: Newland

Home Directory: D:\WebSites\Newland

Web-site: Matchstick

Home Directory: D:\WebSites\Newland D:\WebSites\Matchstick

i stopped the "default" web-site, leaving just Matchstick, and i still saw Newland. i checked the physical folder to make sure it had the correct content (it did). Then i happened to notice the files listing in IIS Manager showed the wrong files. Problem: both web-sites pointed to the same physical folder.

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