How to configure MailScanner to use a remote clamd


I decided to decrease the workload on my mail gateway by moving anti-virus processing to a separate server. I created the server, installed clamav-daemon on it, and tested it by running clamdscan from the mail gateway.

Satisfied, I then changed MailScanner as following:

Virus Scanners = clamd
Clamd Port = 3310
Clamd Socket = clamd server's IP address

I restarted mailscanner, and got the following result:

MailScanner[45946]: Clamd::ERROR:: UNKNOWN CLAMD RETURN ./lstat() failed: No such file or directory. ERROR :: /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/45946

Obviously, MailScanner is not sending the file to be scanned. Instead, it is just telling it to scan a file which, obviously, does not exist on clamd's server.

I find it difficult to believe using clamd in this manner with mailscanner is not possible at all. Rather, I suspect I'm missing something. So… is it possible? If so, what configuration am I missing?

Best Answer

You should probably leave defaults, i.e. for a program which is using clam to use default settings (local clamdscan).

Than, you need to configure clamd.conf on both scanning client and scanning server machines, the TCPSocket and TCPAddr parameters. Keep in mind that TCPAddr on scanning server should not be localhost/ but it's externally reachable address.

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