How to configure multiple hostfiles to split big backups in BackupPC


With my current configuration the BackupPC creates one rsync(of tar for local) process per host.
My config file is following:

$Conf{RsyncShareName} = '/data';

In my /data I have many folders /data/01 /data/02 /data/03. I would like to backup them in parallel.
Is it possible to configure BackupPC in the way that single host backup done in parallel on directory basis?

Best Answer

Found finally! Looking in documentation: host aliases in /etc/BackupPC/hosts adding lines- 0 root 0 root 0 root


$Conf{XferMethod} = "tar";
$Conf{TarShareName} = '/data/01';
$Conf{ClientNameAlias} = 'localhost';

same for 02,03 folders.

Then backups will start in parallel if $Conf{MaxBackupPCNightlyJobs} >1;