How to configure the iDRAC on a static IP


I have a Dell PowerEdge R610 in colocation. When I set it up at home, the machine was assigned two IP's from my router (using DHCP): one for the OS and one for the iDRAC. Now that the server is in colocation, I have a very annoying problem…

I have two IP's for this server: .77 and .78. I want to use .77 for the OS and .78 for the iDRAC. So I assigned this IP as static IP in the BIOS for the iDRAC. I am using iDRAC Express, so I can't use a dedicated NIC. Therefore, I setup a shared NIC. That would require NIC teaming from the OS (CentOS 7). So I installed racadm and executed:

racadm setniccfg -s serverip2 subnet gw

Rebooted the server, but when I access the second IP it just shows content from the web server (so it doesn't route to the iDRAC but to the OS).

I'm probably making an incredibly stupid mistake… But what is going wrong here?

Best Answer

It sounds like you've assigned that IP to the server itself within it's network stack (i.e. if you're using windows then you set the IP on one of the network cards from within the settings of one of the network cards). The DRAC and the host are two seperate devices, you can't specify it in the OS and on the DRAC as they will clash. If the .78 IP is just to be used for DRAC then ensure it is not set in the OS. If you need the .78 for both the OS and the DRAC then you're out of luck, find another spare IP and assign that to the drac with racadm instead of .78.