How to copy a large file effectively

windows 7windows-vista

I am copying a small number of large files between a Vista x64 SP1 workstation and a Windows 7 RC workstation. Windows says it will take 7 hours to copy 117GB of data from one computer to another over an uncongested 1 GBit/s switch. Robocopy isn't doing much better.

I seem to remember from my Exchange days, that there were several utilities that claimed to copy very large files between servers. Are these utilities still available and if so, which are most effective in the above situation?


I am trying a Robocopy to a USB 2.0 external HDD, as this is all I have available at the moment and it is faster, this is unusual, as the two computers I am using are the only two computers connected to this particular 1GBit/s switch.

Edit 2:

Seems to be some problem with the NIC on the source, can't get the throughput above 3MB/sec after swapping everything else out. As this is the old machine I switched to using the external HDD which copied faster than the NIC, however it still took 3 and a half hours in total.

Best Answer

117GB/7H = 4.6MB/s

Something is wrong here.

Check for disk fragmentation, network misusage, another program grinding the drive or faulty hardware; Windows w/1Gb network can saturate the bandwidth that 7200 SATA drive can provide, i.e. 60-70 MB/s

I might also suggest that you create yourself a nice scheduled task to transfer the file(s) overnight.