How to create a filter in Active Directory to show only ‘Enabled’ Computer Accounts


Please note: I am referring to COMPUTER accounts. Not USER accounts.

In Active Directory, it is easy to create a filter to show only Disabled Computer Accounts by ticking the box "Disabled Accounts" in the Query setup windows as per below.

enter image description here

This creates the following query:


How can I create a filter to do the exact opposite? I.e. I want to see only ENABLED accounts.

Best Answer

The query is a simple LDAP-Query, so you can use the negation operator: just place a ! in front of the item, and the outcome will be negated. So in your case:


I tested this query in my AD. Without the exclemation mark, i get only 4 computer accounts which are disabled. With the exclemation mark, i get all the other computer accounts, except the ones that are disabled.