Terraform – How to Create Temporary One-Off Resources


I have searched the mailing list and the documentation for how to do this but couldn't find anything.

Here's my use case: I have a fairly simple architecture on AWS. Sometimes I want to test one-off things, such as whether the security group configuration is right.

To do that, I spin up two instances. Because I don't like clicking (and because those instances need to be set up in different parts of the VPC), I have defined those in a terraform .tf file.

I would like those two instances to be spun up only when I explicitly require them. In other words, when I do terraform apply, I don't want those instances to be created.

Here are a couple things I tried:

  • Put them in a temp subdirectory, and execute only this file (e.g. with terraform plan -out=disposable.plan -target=temp/disposable.tf). Problem: it does not detect any change ("No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.").
  • I had tried something else with a subdir (don't remember exactly why), and terraform complained about undefined variables and resources. Problem: I need access to the variables and resources I define in the main directory (e.g. the subnet ids, security groups, etc.)
  • I tried also applying the file directly (not sure if that should work) with terraform apply temp/disposable.tf. Problem: it complains about the file not being valid with "not a valid plan file" (the file is indeed valid).
  • Rename the file to something else, e.g. .tf.temp, and rename it to .tf when I need the resource. This works fine, but then you have to remember not to commit this change. I would prefer something that can be done on the command line (e.g. running a single .tf file).

Best Answer

This is achievable using count and a conditional:

Set up a variable with a default value of false in variables.tf:

variable temp_instances {
  default = false

Use this when defining your instances by setting the count property with a conditional like this:

resource "aws_instances" "temp1" {
  count = "${var.temp_instances ? 1 : 0}"

Since the variable is false by default it will set the count to 0 and not create the instance. You can then optionally set it up by setting this variable to true during an apply:

terraform apply -var 'temp_instances=true'

Using the above conditional, this will now be true, therefore setting the count to 1.

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