How to debug linux networking: Address already in use


I have a Slackware linux box where I cannot start any service that listens on one particular port on localhost. By using strace I found out that the error happens on the bind() call, and the error is EADDRINUSE (Address already in use):

bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(874), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EADDRINUSE (Address already in use)

This happens with any process I try to start listening on that port, so it is not related to the process itself. The above strace output comes from the command strace -ff nc -l -p 874 -s

So, this suggests there is a process already listening on localhost port 874. However, I can't seem to find it. The following commands all return nothing:

netstat -aplunt | grep :874
netstat -na | grep :874
lsof -i :874
lsof -i tcp | grep 874
fuser 874/tcp
socklist | grep 874
iptables -t filter -S | grep 874
iptables -t nat -S | grep 874
iptables -t mangle -S | grep 874
conntrack -L | grep 874

If I try to listen on it fails with the same error. Listening on one of the IP addresses configured on a nic works OK, and listening to also works OK. Listening on a different port works fine, also on or

So, now I am curious. How can I find out why the network stack returns EADDRINUSE here? What other things could I look at, or what other commands can I run to get more information?

Additional info:

  • Kernel 4.1.31.
  • Selinux is not used here.
  • Trying to connect to with telnet returns "Connection refused"
  • I'm running the commands as root

Best Answer

If your host is an NFS client, it may be using source port 874 for an NFS mount. I suspect that because the connection does not originate from userspace it may not be visible to the tools you've used so far.

Consider one of the following:

  • Adjust the sysctls sunrpc.min_resvport and sunrpc.max_resvport (default 665 and 1023) to change the range of source ports that the NFS client uses
  • Use a listening port outside of this range
  • Use the noresvport option on the NFS mount to use the non-privileged range (may have security implications)
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