How to debug pac file in chrome without alert function


I recently experienced a problem with a new pac file with chrome, (same pac file with IE and Firefox works).

I supposed that my problem is due to myIpAddress() function, see this post, which do not return my main ip address.

I would like to make some tests to debug pac file, but according to this post, debug function is no longer supported.

I also tried to use some options from this post.

In the chrome://net-internals/#proxy tab, I see which pac file is used, but nothing more.

And with the chrome://net-internals/#events tab, I see each request, but when I filter events with PROXY_SCRIPT_DECIDER, it returns no events.

I think my problem is related to myIpAddress, so how to test myIpAddress function, and is there a way to debug pac file without alert() ?

Best Answer

I didn't find the information anywhere, but chrome shows alert in chrome://net-internals/#events tab with description : PAC_JAVASCRIPT_ALERT.

Also you can find what chrome use as proxy in tab : chrome://net-internals/#proxy