How to defend against a DRDoS exploiting NTP server on an ESXi host


Recently, we had some problems with one of our ESXi servers, caused by the NTP Server DRDoS Amplification Attack using ntpdc.

How do I configure the NTP server on ESXi to not be exposed to this DDoS attack?

Or, if I switch off the service, will that have any effect on my VMs?

Best Answer

The answer can be found in this blog post. All you need to do is disable the "monlist" command, which by the way was removed in ntpd 4.2.7 (our ESXi 5.1.0u2 servers are running 4.2.6p2).

  1. Access your server's console, either by enabling the local console or SSH.
  2. Edit /etc/ntp.conf by adding noquery to the first restrict line.
  3. Restart the NTP service with /etc/init.d/ntpd restart.
  4. Verify that the monlist command has been disabled:

    ntpdc -c monlist