Puppet Deployment – How to Deploy Applications in .tar.gz with Puppet


I'm a beginner with Puppet and I would like to know if I'm on the right way to deploy applications with Puppet.

The applciations are in a tar.gz file which contains a file with the version number. So, I do this to deploy (I go on the server and do a client restart to pick up the new tarball):


node 'server1.domain.com' inherits basenode {
    apps { apps:
            version => 56,
            apps_name => "apps_tarball.tgz",

init.pp (modules)

exec {"apps_wget":
            command => "/usr/bin/wget http://web_server/${version}-${apps_name} -O /tmp/${container_zip_name}",
            unless  => "test -f /tmp/${version}-${apps_name}",
            require => [ Package["wget"] ],

exec {"apps_unzip":
            cwd     => "/usr/local/apps/path",
            command => "/usr/bin/unzip /tmp/${version}-${apps_name}",
            unless  => "test -f /usr/local/apps/path/apps-version-${version}",
            require => [ Package["unzip"], Exec["container_wget"] ],

But, when I want to upgrade, I don't know to say Puppet to delete the old directory?
For example, If I want to upgrade version 56 to 57: I must delete the 56's version directory.

I heard about Capristrano and it seems to be better to use Puppet for managinig packages, config files and using Capristrano to deploy apps, isn't it?


Best Answer

I would like to know if I'm on the right way to deploy applications with Puppet.

No, you are not.

You should use the package management available on your operating system. If your software is in tar.gz format, you should re-package it locally as .deb, .rpm or whatever.

If the software is something developed locally, you should use whatever build/deploy tools are available for it.