SNMP Monitoring – How to Determine the Correct OID


Is there a correct/better way of determining the correct OID to use for SNMP monitoring?

I was able to download the MIB directly from the device, but I am lost on finding the correct OID from the list of hundreds of OIDs. All forums that I've come across have a different model OID, or simply say "use the OID and you'll be good" without details…

Steps Taken

  • downloaded the MIB from the device
  • Verified I could ping the device
  • Verified I could run snmpwalk on the device (NOTE I am not familiar with all features and usage of snmpwalk)

Best Answer

From my experience, sadly no, I had to get the MIB and try to find in them the correct thing I need to query. (I used a simple mib browser)

For the OID you found, temperature too high, be sure it’s not a boolean value that set it at on/1 when it trigger, it could explain why you read nothing if the device is operating under normal temperature.

Sadly OID usage and documentation is underated online and not popular. I used to create monitoring templates inside a monitoring tool for unknown device from the tool, and I was seen as a black magic user to do so..

The only tip I can tell is watch for the return value, some are string even if they are wrote as a number, and other are simply integer.

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