How to determine valid Mac OS X Server `serveradmin` commands


I've used Mac OS X Server's serveradmin command line interface for Server & now for starting & stopping services, viewing status & settings, and occasionally running what few commands I can find documented on random blogs. There's a lot more that I'd like to do with it, but I can't seem to find a good reference for available commands (e.g. serveradmin command <service>:command = <...>).

The manpage has only a couple examples and, as previously mentioned, I've found a few on various Mac admin blogs, but nothing comprehensive and no mention of how to discover more. Is there a command that will list commands? Are people decompiling the binary and looking for command strings? Or, are people just using what precious few commands have been mentioned by Apple support & engineers?

Best Answer

I have not used OSX Server in over a year, but I remember that it was possible to get a command list with serveradmin --help or something like that. Also, at least for 10.6 server (the last real version) and previous, they had a whole book on command line administration in their documentation section.

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