How to do a cross-platform backup/restore of a DB2 database


I need to dump a couple of databases from DB2 for Mac and DB2 for Linux and then import the databases to DB2 for Windows. Unfortunately, when I try the standard backup and restore I get the following error:

SQL2570N An attempt to restore on target OS "NT-32" from a backup created on
source OS "?" failed due to the incompatability of operating systems or an
incorrect specification of the restore command. Reason-code: "1".

I've seen references to DB2 needing an IXF dump and import, but I can't find any solid information about how to do this without dozens of other steps.

Any hints on how to do this in the least painful manner?

Best Answer

Since it's not possible to say a comment is an answer I'm going to post it here:

Restore DB2 database

That question poses a similar problem and contains the solution.