How to do a snapshot of a Datastore on esxi vmware – datastore snapshot as fast recovery backup


I have a server with hundreads of vms and the snapshot is very useful to me, on incidents i can restore a vm to a point on time in no time, but i have many datastores where operational data is stored and all bkp is done on LTO tapes, but the restore process of clean data (without virus) take more than 8 hours each time and time is growing as daily data grow too.
I have a lot of storage servers here and looking to make snapshots of at least my last datstore state to allow fast recovery and cant find one.
I know there is the vm snapshot but there is datastore snapshot on esxi vmware too ?

Best Answer

Snapshots aren't backups! You really need to follow 3-2-1 backup rule to ensure your data is safe. To accelerate your tape backup and recovery process I'd suggest to go from Disk-to-Tape to Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape: deploy some VTL offloading "cold" backups to either physical tape or AWS S3/Glacier.