How to do a zone transfer with dig when using bind views


I have a bind cluster with private/public records stored in (2) views and configured with TSIG. Standard slave operation works but I'd like to use dig to transfer the zones for troubleshooting/testing.

Typically I'd use dig -y tsig-key:SECRETCODE however this is denied as the key is only assigned to the view public.

Attempt a dig axfr from a client in the internal view.

Transfer Fails:

dig AXFR -y external:xxxxxxxx

Transfer Succeeds

dig AXFR -y internal:xxxxxxxx

Best Answer

Simply set up an additional key for the internal view and configure bind to allow the key to act as a selector for a specific view:

key "external" {
  algorithm hmac-md5;
  secret "xxxxxxxx";
key "internal" {
  algorithm hmac-md5;
  secret "yyyyyyyy";
view "internal" {
  match-clients { key internal; 10.0.1/24; };
  server {
    /* Deliver notify messages to external view. */
    keys { external; };
  zone "" {
    type master;
    file "internal/example.db";
view "external" {
  match-clients { key external; any; };
  zone "" {
    type master;
    file "external/example.db";
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