Apache – How to Dump Entire HTTP Requests


Is it possible to dump entire HTTP requests by apache? I need to track all HTTP headers of incomming requests. How to do that?

Best Answer

I think what you want instead of Apache might be a packet analyzer, Also known as a packet sniffer. Two of the most popular ones are probably TCPDump and Wireshark, both of which are free and have versions for Windows and *nix operating systems. These will show you all traffic coming in on an interface, not just what Apache sees. But you can use filters to restrict to a specified port, such as 80 for http.

The following command run from the server will show you all packets destined for port 80:

sudo tcpdump -s 0 -X 'tcp dst port 80'

The capital X switch dumps the payload in hex and ASCII. The s switch with 0 means to get the whole packet. 'tcp dst port 80' means to filter and only show packets destined for port 80 in the tcp header.

For the more user friendly version, if you have a GUI running, consider wireshark (formally known as ethereal).