How to edit bad word filter in SpamAssassin


How can I add several custom "bad" words into SpamAssassin, so emails that contains that words are marked as a spam?


one of the keys is to edit file /etc/mail/spamassassin, and to add badword filter as described on

BUT, in this case, mail is only marked as a spam, it still goes to my Inbox…

What do I have to do, to not receive emails that contains bad words at all?


My SpamAssassin does change subject if email is classified as a Spam, and it works fine now. File /etc/mail/spamassassin/ looks like this:

ok_locales all
skip_rbl_checks 0

required_score 5
report_safe 1
rewrite_header Subject ***SPAM***

use_pyzor 1
use_razor2 1

use_auto_whitelist 0

use_bayes 1
use_bayes_rules 1
bayes_auto_learn 1
blacklist_from *
blacklist_from *
whitelist_from *@*
whitelist_from *
#blacklist_from *

header CONTAINS_VIG Subject =~ /viagra, Cialix Pills, sex, xxx, penis, pussy, greekajob, greekajobs, pera
body CONTAINS_PEN /viagra, sex, xxx, penis, puss, greekajob, greekajobs, perazdera/
score CONTAINS_VIG 1.5
score CONTAINS_PEN 1.5
describe CONTAINS_VIG Bad Word
describe CONTAINS_PEN Bad Word

So, now I need help how to:

  1. move those emails into Spam folder
  2. automatically create Spam folder for every new mail account added on server

File /etc/mail/mailfilter looks like this:

import EXT
import HOST
TIMESTAMP=`date "+%b %d %H:%M:%S"`

logfile "/var/log/maildrop/maildrop.log"
log "$TIMESTAMP - BEGIN maildrop processing for $EXT@$HOST ==="

`test -r $VHOME/.mailfilter`
if($RETURNCODE == 0)
    log "including $VHOME/.mailfilter"
    exception {
        include $VHOME/.mailfilter

# does maildirsize exist?
`test -e $VHOME/Maildir/maildirsize`

# if maildirsize doesn't exist
if($RETURNCODE == 1)

    # does vuserinfo exist?
    `test -x /home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo` 

    # if vuserinfo exists
    if($RETURNCODE == 0)
        # does the user exist?
        `/home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo $EXT@$HOST`
        if($RETURNCODE == 0)

            # find out what the user's quota is
            $QUOTA=`/home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -Q $EXT@$HOST`
            log "QUOTA = $QUOTA"

            # does maildirmake exists?
            `test -x /usr/bin/maildirmake`

            # if maildirmake exists
            if($RETURNCODE == 0)

                # does Maildir exist?
                `test -d $VHOME/Maildir`

                # if Maildir exists
                if($RETURNCODE == 0)

                    # make the maildirsize file
                    `/usr/bin/maildirmake -q $QUOTA $VHOME/Maildir`
                    `test -s "$VHOME/Maildir/maildirsize"`

                    # if maildirsize exists
                    if($RETURNCODE == 0)
                        `/bin/chown vpopmail:vchkpw $VHOME/Maildir/maildirsize`
                        `/bin/chmod 640 $VHOME/Maildir/maildirsize`

                    # else 
                        log "Problem making 'maildirsize' for $VHOME"

                    # end if maildirsize exists
                    log "Maildir does not exist for $VHOME"

                # end if Maildir exists
                log "maildirmake does not exist"

            # end if maildirmake exists
            log "user $EXT@HOST does not exist"

        # end if user exists
        log "vuserinfo does not exist"

    # end if vuserinfo exists
# does maildirsize exist?
`test -e $VHOME/Maildir/maildirsize`
if($RETURNCODE == 0)
    MAILDIRQUOTA=`/usr/bin/head -n1 $VHOME/Maildir/maildirsize`

# Filter spam - scores >= SPAMLIMIT is not delivered
# If you DO NOT want to send mail that is over the spam limit
# to spamassassin autolearn, comment: 'cc "|sa-learn -spam"'

# Below is where I found some of the main problem, i.e apparently the
# regex logic changed, do a diff against this one and the old one,
# the old one was delimited with the '!' (bang) and grouped as a whole.
# it failed the match always.  By using standard regex grouping, I was able
# to get the filter working. By grouping the score accordingly, it
# breaks it into a number and precision, e.g. MATCH1 and MATCH2

if(/^X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/:h)
    if($MATCH1 >= 5)
        cc "|sa-learn --spam"

    # if the user doesnt' have a Spam folder
    `test -d $VHOME/Maildir/.Spam`
    if($RETURNCODE == 1)
        `test -x /usr/bin/maildirmake`
        if($RETURNCODE == 0)
            `/usr/bin/maildirmake -f Spam $VHOME/Maildir`
            `test -x /usr/bin/`
            if($RETURNCODE == 0)
                `/usr/bin/ Spam $VHOME`

    # make sure the deliverquota binary exists and is executable
    `test -x /usr/bin/deliverquota`
    if($RETURNCODE == 1)
        exception {
            to "$VHOME/Maildir/.Spam"
        cc "|/usr/bin/deliverquota -w 90 $VHOME/Maildir/.Spam"
        if($RETURNCODE == 0)
            log "=== END ===  $EXT@$HOST  success (quota)"
            if($RETURNCODE == 77)
                log "$TIMESTAMP - $EXT@$HOST  bounced (quota)"
                to "|/var/qmail/bin/bouncesaying '$EXT@$HOST is over quota'"
                log \
                 "$TIMESTAMP - $EXT@$HOST failure (unknown deliverquota error)"
                to "$VHOME/Maildir/.Spam"

# Same as above
if(/^X-Spam-Status: No, score=([\-]*[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+) /:h)
    log "   message is clean ($MATCH1.$MATCH2)"

# Include any user rules 

`test -r $VHOME/Maildir/.mailfilter`
if($RETURNCODE == 0)
    log "   including $VHOME/Maildir/.mailfilter"
    exception {
        include $VHOME/Maildir/.mailfilter

`test -x /usr/bin/deliverquota`
if ($RETURNCODE == 1)
    log "$TIMESTAMP - $EXT@$HOST WARNING: no deliverquota!"
    log "=== END ===  $EXT@$HOST success"
    exception {
        to "$VHOME/Maildir"
    exception {
        log "RETCODE = $RETURNCODE   delivering to $VHOME/Maildir"
        xfilter "/usr/bin/deliverquota -w 90 $VHOME/Maildir"
    # check to make sure the message was delivered
    # returncode 77 means that out maildir was overquota - bounce mail
    if($RETURNCODE == 77)
        log "$TIMESTAMP - BOUNCED: bouncesaying '$EXT@$HOST is over quota'"
        log "$TIMESTAMP - $EXT@$HOST  bounced"
        to "|/var/qmail/bin/bouncesaying '$EXT@$HOST is over quota'"
        log "=== END ===  $EXT@$HOST  success (quota)"

log "$TIMESTAMP - $EXT@$HOST - WARNING: This message should never be printed!"
[root@um-1027 /etc/mail]#

And .qmail-default looks like this:

|/var/qmail/bin/preline /usr/bin/maildrop /etc/mail/mailfilter

Can you help me please how to fix this and to move spam messages into spam folder?

Best Answer

In SpamAssassin you can create rules that appends N score to the spam classification header after it's triggered.

It's up to yourself to set the threshold for when it's to be classified as spam, and what to do with it (delete, move to folder, forward?, etc).

If you want to move suspected spam mails to a specific folder I suspect you to hook it into your POP3/IMAP server (ex: dovecot), or POP3/IMAP client usage (ex: fetchmail + procmail).

Dovecot example using sieve scripts:

if header :contains "X-Spam-Level" "**********" { discard; stop; }


Procmail rule to filter spam to SPAM folder (~/.procmailrc)

:0: * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes SPAM


I hope this proves helpful.

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