How to edit Network Solution’s DNS settings to allow no-www


I have a domain registered through Network Solutions, I have it setup to point to a Blogger account I have setup. I followed the instructions at:

It loads fine.

But when I goto, it redirects to a subdomain that no longer exists (example: I think it's from an old DNS setting I had setup at 1&1 hosting a while ago. I no longer have access to my 1&1 account, so I can't view what DNS settings were in place.

How do I edit the DNS Settings at Network Solutions so that also points to where also points to?

Best Answer

DNS and HTTP are completely separate protocols.

HTTP handles redirects. So if the url is changing (redirect) it's in the HTTP Server configuration.

DNS handles A & C-Name records; and the default record for must exist as it redirect. Sounds like DNS is setup correctly (probably).

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