How to elevate privileges when running appcmd from a nant task


We are using a Windows 7 box as build server.

As part of our continuous integration process I would like to stop and start an IIS 7 website. I have tried doing this from the command line using appcmd:

appcmd start site "my website"

However, this only works if I start the console window by choosing "Run as Administrator", so it won't work out-of-the-box from NAnt etc.

How do I script appcmd to be run with elevated privileges (or am I going about this in the wrong way)?

Thank you.

Best Answer

This is NOT an advisable approach at all, due to security concerns...

But, if you grant read permissions to the service that is executing the appcmd to the file applicationHost.config file located in the %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config directory, you you should be able to execute a .bat file with appcmd commands inside of it from CruiseControl (at least in my case).

I did this on a Windows Server 2008 Build Server.