Apache – Enabling Logging for Requests Through Mod Proxy


Is there a way to log requests going through mod proxy? I need a way to debug my configuration, because I don't seem to be getting where I should be. I need the following information:

  • headers of incoming requests
  • what is being sent to the proxy target

Maybe a related question: is there a way to strip some headers? I tried the following:

ProxyPass         /proxy/other http://not.under.my.control/
<Location /proxy/other>
   ProxyPassReverse /
   RequestHeader unset Authorization

I don't really know whether this is ok, because I don't see anything.

Best Answer

Another option might be mod_forensic, can easily log the request and headers etc. Beware of disk space usage though, on a heavy load web-site mod_forensic can easily produce tens of Gigs per day.


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