How To Enable URL Filtering With Just Squid & C-ICAP


Before I posted this question, I read several set up guides online, the squid docs, c-icap docus, and also the ICAP RFC (3507). Unfortunately, the documentation for SQUID and C-ICAP does not provide much in the way of examples when it comes to URL filtering, only when it comes to the simple set up of using ClamAv.

So, I'm trying to figure out how to set up simple URL filtering using Squid and the C-ICAP Server. Specifically, I'm starting out trying to use SquidGuard Databases (but not the Squidguard program) as a source of black lists. I have Squid set up and running (proxying) just fine, and I have C-ICAP set up and running (responding to options request) just fine. However, I have no clue why the URL filtering is not running, as I've followed the examples as closely as possible.

My squid.conf is set up as follows for ICAP:

#Icap Options
icap_enable on
icap_service svcBlocker reqmod_precache icap:// bypass=off

At the bottom of the c-icap.conf file, I have included the icap service I want to use:

# End module: ldap_module
#URL Check Services
Include srv_url_check.conf

I've set up the srv_url_check.conf file, following the c-icap documentation:

# Default:
#None set
#Example: url_check.LoadSquidGuardDB audio-video /home/dranfu/Downloads/blacklists/audio-video/

When I send an options request to C-ICAP, it works fine:

ICAP server:localhost, ip:, port:1344

    Allow 204: Yes
    Preview: 1024
    Keep alive: Yes

    ICAP/1.0 200 OK:
    Service:C-ICAP/0.2.4 server - Echo demo service
    Date:Tue, 26 Feb 2013 10:57:13 GMT
    X-Include:X-Authenticated-User, X-Authenticated-Groups

But when I send a standard web request to a site that is on the blacklist, I get a fairly empty response:

/usr/local/c-icap/bin/c-icap-client -p 8080 -req 

ICAP server:localhost, ip:, port:8080

And furthermore, I am still able to proxy to the website with no problem. So,
if anyone has any experience with setting up squid with pure C-ICAP using URL
filtering, it would be awesome to have any assistance or basic guide on how to
get this working. The documentation is just too sparse, for me at least, to
figure out what is going wrong. No doubt it's something I'm missing, though.

Best Answer

I'm trying to do the same. I got success configuring c-icap to block a request.

Your srv_url_check.conf seems to be incomplete. Mine is configured as follows:

Service urlcheck /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/c_icap/
url_check.LookupTableDB denyhosts url hash:/etc/c-icap/denyhosts.txt "Denied Host"
url_check.Profile denyProfile block denyhosts
url_check.ProfileAccess denyProfile all

The file denyhosts.txt, is a simple text file. Each line should contain a host to be block, such as:

And finally, you should uncomment line acl all src into c-icap.conf.

Start your c-icap server like /usr/bin/c-icap -D -N -d 1 (adjust the log level (-d) as you wish) and test it using /usr/bin/c-icap-client -s url_check -req -v -d 1.

As a response, you will receive:

    ICAP/1.0 200 OK
    Server: C-ICAP/0.4.2
    Connection: keep-alive
    X-ICAP-Profile: denyProfile
    X-Attribute: denyhosts
    X-Attribute-Prefix: 7
    X-Response-Info: BLOCKED
    X-Response-Desc: URL category denyhosts is BLOCKED
    Encapsulated: res-hdr=0, res-body=108

    HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
    Server: C-ICAP
    Content-Type: text/html
    Connection: close
    Content-Language: en

This is what I did so far...