How to explain the difference between a domain name and a web host


I'm wondering if anyone has any useful analogies to describe what DNS is versus hosting. The average user "just wants a website" and sees it as one atomic unit. To be fair it is possible to buy it like this from some companies but in some situations it's not…

What is the best way that you have found to explain that to end users in such a way that they can comprehend it?

The closest I've got to it is:

  • View DNS as being like looking up a telephone directory for someone’s number. This tells your browser where to go to get the website.

  • Hosting is where you pay for space on a server owned by someone else, typically in a data centre. This allows you to store the files such as images, pages and so forth on this server and is typically subject to a quota.

I thought about using the rent-a-space type analogy but that might not work with some users.

Best Answer

I don't use analogies when I explain this concept to people I just try to make it as simple (without completely removing the true meaning behind it) as possible. I do work with a lot of small business owners; some are web savvy/smart, and others not so much. In each instance what I've had good success with is telling them simply that there are two parts to owning and operating a website. You first need a name, or domain that identifies you, and you then need a place to store the files that comprise the actual web pages that people will see when they visit this name/domain. So in essence:

  • A domain, or domain name, is simply the name of their website, or where they tell people to go on the Internet to find their company
  • A domain host, or "hosting" as I refer to it while talking to them is simply the place to store the actual webpages that people will see when going to their website

I've had most of my clients respond well to this and actually get it and not just patronize me with a head nod. Hopefully that helps you.

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