How to fetch new IP address under Ubuntu Server on VMware Workstation

ip addressubuntu-10.10vmware-workstation

I have VMware Workstation 7 and Ubuntu Server 10.10 installed on it. When I copied my virtual hard drive to another PC it took same IP address.

Is it possible to somehow receive another IP address for other VM on other PC? I already tryed to do dhclient -r to release and dhclient ro get new, but then new IP address jumps from my network I guess. My IP is for example and VM address is too, but after steps I described before it changes to and even after I restart VM it changes back to the way it was before.

Any suggestions?

VMs do not have same MAC ( HWaddr ) address.

Best Answer

Check /etc/networking/interfaces,

it should be set to :

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

If it is anything else change it to that (considering eth0 is the device you connect with to the internet)