How to filter the Security Log using XML for the following data


A manager has asked me to log the start and stop times and dates when a user launches a particular program (Starcraft II). I have enabled logging on the user's machine so that it will report all process creation and termination. (Windows Logs -> Security)

I am unable to filter the logs to show "only" the process creation and termination of the specified programs.

The Process Creation information as follows.

NewProcessId 0xc10 
  NewProcessName C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\StarCraft II.exe 
  TokenElevationType %%1936 
  ProcessId 0xa70 

NewProcessId 0xf18 
  NewProcessName C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe 
  TokenElevationType %%1936 
  ProcessId 0xc10 

NewProcessId 0x1a0c 
  NewProcessName C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Versions\Base16605\SC2.exe 
  TokenElevationType %%1936 
  ProcessId 0xf18 

The Process Termination uses the same ProcessId info.

What XML Query will yield "only" the logs in question?

This is all on a Windows 7 environment.

Best Answer

If you're not averse to a bit of PowerShell, give this a go. It will drop a CSV file you can play with in Excel in the current directory.

Get-EventLog Security -ComputerName RemotePC | ?{$_.Message -ilike '*StarCraft*'} | Export-Csv SecurityLog.csv

You can also add extra conditions like so:

Get-EventLog Security -ComputerName RemotePC | ?{$_.Message -ilike '*StarCraft*' -or $_.Message -ilike '*Something Else*'} | Export-Csv SecurityLog.csv