How to find a server connected on network

mac addressscientific-linux

earlier this week we physically installed a machine in our server rack and connected it to our network switch. It has Scientific linux installed but we don't have a user account set up to log into. We turned it on and its running headless, but we'd like to verify that it is able to communicate on our internal network/connect to the internet through our network, because remotely right now we can't even verify that its on. Is there something we can run from another machine on our network to find it (we have its mac address) or list all machines on our local network? thanks

we've tried solutions on this server fault thread using nmap, ip neigh, and arp to scan through our local ip range and then grep for our mac address but got nothing

nmap -sP <our IP range> | grep -i "<the machine's mac address">
sudo arp -a | grep -i "<the machine's mac address">
sudo ip neigh | grep -i "<the machine's mac address">

Best Answer

Hows your server connected to your network via router,firewall etc If you are using managed switches then you can check in the console or if your using a firewall/router then you can check its mac address and try to get its ip address

Also you can check if you were running any services like apache etc on your server then you can port scan or manually check by Telnet if you had opened ports for your local subnet

Physically check the Ethernet cable and trace it to port of switch or router and try to get its ip

Last one you can try using wireshark to trace communication and track your server,how to use wireshark