How to find and edit the file for fail2ban to change the email address it’s using to send banned ips too


Running Ubuntu 16.04 OS
Nginx server
Fail2Ban Ver 0.9.3

When I first did the install of fail2ban i believe it asked me for an email address.

well, I put in my personal email and I get spammed with all the ips getting banned. I dont mind it but i want to change the email address it has. But, I'm unable to locate the correct file where i can change the email address it's sending too.

what is the filename I need to edit?
what directory is this file in?

Please help


Best Answer

You should be able to change the email address within the jail.conf

I use centos, but you should be able to search and find the same file.


#Sender email address used solely for some actions

sender = root@localhost