How to find out the current SGA memory distribution


How can I get the current SGA memory distribution on Oracle 10G?

Something like this:

AME                                SIZE_MB RES
-------------------------------- ---------- ---
Maximum SGA Size                        396 No
Shared Pool Size                        320 Yes
Startup overhead in Shared Pool          32 No
Streams Pool Size                        32 Yes
Java Pool Size                           24 Yes
Buffer Cache Size                        16 Yes
Granule Size                              4 No
Redo Buffers                           2,79 No
Fixed SGA Size                         1,21 No
Free SGA Memory Available                 0
Large Pool Size                           0 Yes

I found this table at Marko Sutic's Oracle Blog, but there is no query that provides that kind of information.

Best Answer

Looks like select * from v$sgainfo ;