How to find out the exact IPMI unit you have for firmware upgrade


I have a Supermicro IPMI and I read you can use dmidecode to determine which one it is.
But all I get for the info is:

Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
    Manufacturer: Supermicro
    Product Name: X9SCL/X9SCM
    Version: 0123456789
    Serial Number: 0123456789
    UUID: *
    Wake-up Type: Power Switch
    SKU Number: To be filled by O.E.M.
    Family: To be filled by O.E.M.

Sadly this leaves me with multiple possible choices on the supermicro site.
Any chance to determine the exact one I have installed?

Best Answer

There are two ways to do this:

  1. It is possible to a programatically view information about the BMC in your machine. However, in my experience the tools don't provide useful information.

I tried ipmitool bmc info and it returns some information. From here, you'd need a way to map the ID numbers to something which humans can understand:

Manufacturer ID           : 47488
Manufacturer Name         : Unknown (0xB980)
Product ID                : 43707 (0xaabb)
Product Name              : Unknown (0xAABB)

Googling for 47488 & 43707 does yield some hints as to the manufacturer of this card, but that's not very helpful.

  1. Manually. Sadly, this is what most admins end up doing.

Find out your motherboard number, and search the following pages, and use your investigating skills to determine which BMC is yours.