How to find the WSUS server that the computers are connecting to for Windows Updates


I have multiple WSUS servers setup on our domain; one is handling Windows Updates, while another is setup to only do Endpoint Protection updates (via SCCM 2012). Endpoint Updates are working properly on all machines, while Windows Updates are only working on some. One those where it does not work, Windows Update still says, "You received updates: Managed by your system administrator"

Clients are all Windows 7 and the servers are 2008 R2 with SCCM 2012 on the one doing Endpoint Protection.

So I'm wondering if there is a way to check which server the clients are connecting to to pull their Windows Updates?

Best Answer

This information can be found in the following registry key:


To query it dircetly from the command line:

reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\