How to find which logon script is being run


I'm having an issue with network drives. Suddenly some computers and users aren't getting their mapped network drives from the logon script. I am NOT a domain admin, I don't have permission to login to the domain controller. And I know very little about Active Directory.
The issue seems random, some users this day, different users tomorrow. Some computers run fine and some won't map no matter who logs in. They are mixed OS's XP (SP3), Vista, and 7.
I was looking at the domain in windows explorer and I have found the batch file(s) that maps the drives in several locations, how do I know which one is actually being ran?

The .bat file is located in
\DOMAIN\NETLOGON\script.bat and
\DOMAIN\SYSVOL\DOMAIN\scripts\script.bat and
\DOMAIN\SYSVOL\DOMAIN\policies\GUID(Right? It's a crazy string)\User\Scripts\Logon\script.bat

So, how can I figure out which one is actually being ran per computer or user? Cause they are all slightly different from each other and one of them doesn't map properly.
Do all the files in NETLOGON get ran? Cause there are 15+ files in there. Or is it specified in Group Policy which one(s) get ran?

EDIT: I am able to access a program called Active Directory Users and Computers, but the properties tab for any user is blank for the logon script.

Best Answer

You can not unless you have access to the Group Policies and can see which ones. Not every thing in the NETLOGON folder is executed.

To see what group policies (GPO) are being applied you can go Start, Run, CMD or WinKey+R and CMD and then type either gpresult on Windows XP or gpresult /r on Windows 7 and above. This does not tell you what scripts are being ran or what is actually in the group policies, just the ones being applied.

Also, since you are not the controller of the Group Policies, you shouldn't be the one troubleshooting it. Elevate it to the person that is in charge of that because you are wasting your time attempting to do it. Especially with little knowledge of how AD work.