How to find which template is used for a site or a page in SharePoint


How/where can I find the template used for a SharePoint site or page.

I have a page I want to resemble, but I don't know where to find the template for that page and site?

Best Answer

Once you view the page source and search for "var g_wsaSiteTemplateId" you will find a code, such as STS#0 or STS#1 etc... to find out what the template code means you can look at the table below taken from:

Template ID              | Title
------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------
GLOBAL#0                 | Global template
STS#0                    | Team Site
STS#1                    | Blank Site
STS#2                    | Document Workspace
MPS#0                    | Basic Meeting Workspace
MPS#1                    | Blank Meeting Workspace
MPS#2                    | Decision Meeting Workspace
MPS#3                    | Social Meeting Workspace
MPS#4                    | Multipage Meeting Workspace
CENTRALADMIN#0           | Central Admin Site
WIKI#0                   | Wiki Site
BLOG#0                   | Blog
SGS#0                    | Group Work Site
TENANTADMIN#0            | Tenant Admin Site
APP#0                    | App Template
APPCATALOG#0             | App Catalog Site
ACCSRV#0                 | Access Services Site
ACCSRV#1                 | Assets Web Database
ACCSRV#3                 | Charitable Contributions Web Database
ACCSRV#4                 | Contacts Web Database
ACCSRV#5                 | Projects Web Database
ACCSRV#6                 | Issues Web Database
ACCSVC#0                 | Access Services Site Internal
ACCSVC#1                 | Access Services Site
BDR#0                    | Document Center
DEV#0                    | Developer Site
DOCMARKETPLACESITE#0     | Academic Library
EDISC#0                  | eDiscovery Center
EDISC#1                  | eDiscovery Case
OFFILE#0                 | (obsolete) Records Center
OFFILE#1                 | Records Center
OSRV#0                   | Shared Services Administration Site
PPSMASite#0              | PerformancePoint
BICenterSite#0           | Business Intelligence Center
SPS#0                    | SharePoint Portal Server Site
SPSPERS#0                | SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space
SPSPERS#2                | Storage And Social SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space
SPSPERS#3                | Storage Only SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space
SPSPERS#4                | Social Only SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space
SPSPERS#5                | Empty SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space
SPSMSITE#0               | Personalization Site
SPSTOC#0                 | Contents area Template
SPSTOPIC#0               | Topic area template
SPSNEWS#0                | News Site
CMSPUBLISHING#0          | Publishing Site
BLANKINTERNET#0          | Publishing Site
BLANKINTERNET#1          | Press Releases Site
BLANKINTERNET#2          | Publishing Site with Workflow
SPSNHOME#0               | News Site
SPSSITES#0               | Site Directory
SPSCOMMU#0               | Community area template
SPSREPORTCENTER#0        | Report Center
SPSPORTAL#0              | Collaboration Portal
SRCHCEN#0                | Enterprise Search Center
PROFILES#0               | Profiles
SPSMSITEHOST#0           | My Site Host
ENTERWIKI#0              | Enterprise Wiki
PROJECTSITE#0            | Project Site
PRODUCTCATALOG#0         | Product Catalog
COMMUNITY#0              | Community Site
COMMUNITYPORTAL#0        | Community Portal
SRCHCENTERLITE#0         | Basic Search Center
SRCHCENTERLITE#1         | Basic Search Center
SRCHCENTERFAST#0         | FAST Search Center
visprus#0                | Visio Process Repository
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