How to force RPM to install a package and NOT replace files that conflict


I've got an older vendor-supplied package that I'm trying to install on CentOS 7. It installs things into /usr/lib, but there's a conflict with the /usr/lib directory itself.

The /usr/lib directory as installed:

ls -ld /usr/lib
dr-xr-xr-x. 42 root root 4096 Jun 10 08:44 /usr/lib   

The /usr/lib directory as specified in the package:

rpm -qlpv <package file>
drwxr-xr-x    2 root    root  0 Jun 22  2006 /usr/lib

I could use –replacefiles with rpm to get it to go on, but that's not actually the RIGHT thing to do here. Instead, I'd like rpm to just skip installing the /usr/lib directory (it's already there, after all), and just install the contents.

The –excludepath option doesn't actually seem to do anything (I still get the error), and (according to -vv output) would exclude most of the package anyway.

For the moment, in a test environment, I can do –replacefiles, but I feel there must be some 'more correct' way to deal with this situation.

NOTE: Getting an updated vendor package IS on my TODO list, but isn't going to happen for some time, so I need a better near-term solution.

Best Answer

I'd suggest installing it into another directory with rpm --prefix and pull out the stuff you need. Alternatively, you could extract it directly with rpm2pcio package.rpm | cpio -idmv.

Using --prefix does at least have the benefit of executing any post-install scripts, etc... in the RPM.

Hope the helps!

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