How to force Windows Server 2008 R2’s SMTP server to generate NDRs for non-existing local users


I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 server with the SMTP service enabled, which provides mail relay to another server for some applications.

Sometimes, a message comes in with a wrong "To:" address, consisting of only a single word without a SMTP suffix, i.e. someone instead of

When this happens, the server treats the message as being addressed to its own fake local domain, i.e. someone@smtp.server.fqdn, and drops it into its "Drop" folder.

There is, of course, no user named someone on the server, and that address is obviously invalid; and yet, the server still drops the message there, instead of sending a NDR because someone without any domain suffix is not a valid SMTP address.

How can I force this server to send a NDR when such a message is received?

Best Answer

It looks like the behaviour you describe is default for the SMTP service in IIS and can't be changed: