How to format log data before forwarding them as JSON to elasticsearch


I log all events on a system to a JSON file via syslog-ng:

destination d_json { file("/var/log/all_syslog_in_json.log" perm(0666) template("{\"@timestamp\": \"$ISODATE\", \"facility\": \"$FACILITY\", \"priority\": \"$PRIORITY\", \"level\": \"$LEVEL\", \"tag\": \"$TAG\", \"host\": \"$HOST\", \"program\": \"$PROGRAM\", \"message\": \"$MSG\"}\n")); };

log { source(s_src); destination(d_json); };

This file is monitored by logstash (2.0 beta) which forwards the content to elasticsearch (2.0 RC1):

    path => "/var/log/all_syslog_in_json.log"
    start_position => "beginning"
    codec => json
    sincedb_path => "/etc/logstash/db_for_watched_files.db"
    type => "syslog"


output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => [""]
        index => "logs"

I then visualize the results in kibana.

This setup works fine, except that kibana does not expand the message part:

enter image description here

Is it possible to tweak any of the elements of the processing chain to enable to expansion of messages (so that its components are at the same level as path or type?

EDIT: as requested, a few lines from /var/log/all_syslog_in_json.log

{"@timestamp": "2015-10-21T20:14:05+02:00", "facility": "auth", "priority": "info", "level": "info", "tag": "26", "host": "eu2", "program": "sshd", "message": "Disconnected from"}
{"@timestamp": "2015-10-21T20:14:05+02:00", "facility": "authpriv", "priority": "info", "level": "info", "tag": "56", "host": "eu2", "program": "sshd", "message": "pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user nagios"}
{"@timestamp": "2015-10-21T20:14:05+02:00", "facility": "authpriv", "priority": "info", "level": "info", "tag": "56", "host": "eu2", "program": "systemd", "message": "pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user nagios"}

Best Answer

I believe you are using the wrong codec on your input, you need to use json_lines, from the docs:

If you are streaming JSON messages delimited by \n then see the json_lines codec.

Use this codec instead. Alternatively, you could ignore the codec on the input and send these through a json filter, which is how I always do it.

filter {
    json {
        source => "message"