How to get a list of shared directories on local Windows server


If I have a Windows server (typically 2000, 2003 or 2008), is there a simple way to list all local directories shared on that server?

I can find the shares themselves easily enough, but I would love a quick way to find the local directories they represent on disk.


Best Answer

You can go into computer management (right click my computer, select manage), expand the Shared Folders node and see a list of all shares, connected sessions and open files.

For W2K8, you do this in Server Manager instead: Roles -> File Services -> Share and Storage Management; the Shares tab in the center of the window.

For listing shares of remote servers, note that NET VIEW svr_name will only show user shares, no admin or hidden shares. Adding the /all switch at the end will show these others (for W2K8).

C:\>net view sx1
Shared resources at sx1

Share name    Type  Used as  Comment
The command completed successfully.

C:\>net view sx1 /all
Shared resources at sx1

Share name    Type  Used as  Comment
ADMIN$        Disk           Remote Admin
C$            Disk           Default share
IPC$          IPC            Remote IPC
The command completed successfully.