SNMP Subnet – How to Get a Report of All MAC Addresses on Another Subnet

mac addressmplssnmpsubnet

We have an MPLS consisting of two branches: Location1 and Location2.

I am using the Softperfect netscan to report all ip addresses and mac addresses of devices on Location1 where my workstation is located (subnet1).

However, I want to have the same report on my workstation (at location1) for all devices in Location2 which is on a separate subnet which I administer.

Now I know I could get that report via remote-desktop connection to a machine there and running netscan.

How can I get the report directly?

I would like a similar report:

  • All connected devices
  • device name
  • ip addresses
  • mac addresses

Somebody told me about using SNMP?

Best Answer

You can't (unless you have two subnets on the same network segment). You have to do this via a machine (or the router) in the Location2 network. Because broadcasts don't cross router boundries.

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